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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PB&C and #90sProblems

Alright everyone, I know I promised to keep this updated more frequently, but I’ve been busy saving money for my trip over Thanksgiving down to the Florida Keys so I haven’t been as busy on the weekends as I would like and therefore don’t have much to write about…at least not on a regular basis.  So I decided that after my stressful post last time around I would make this post about things that made me smile over the past few weeks:

1.       For those of you who know me best, you will recall that I have a strong affinity for peanut butter.  And what’s better than peanut butter? How about peanut butter and chocolate?!!  Now you’re saying…”Zach, we get it, peanut butter is great…get to the point”  Calm down blog reader, I’m getting there!  Today, Houselady decided to make peanut butter…wait for it…PIE!!! Let’s delve into this thing part by part:  She started with an oreo crumb crust which was soaked in butter and pressed against a pie tin…then she whipped peanut butter and something else amazing together while mixing in peanuts and pecans (Note: I love pecans).  And as if that weren’t enough, then Houselady did the unthinkable…she drizzled the top with caramel and chocolate topping (you know…the kind that freezes to the top of ice cream to create a shell).  Every bite of this pie was filled with peanut butter, chocolate, oreo crumb, and awesome.  The best part of all of this is that she made 2 pies for her family and 1 for “us” to share…(note: I may be 230#’s the next time you see me)

 this is the picture of it I took seconds before devouring 2 (maybe 3) large pieces

2.       Watching Southern people makes me smile.  Make no mistake about it folks, the South is still 99% sure that they will “rise again” and they aren’t afraid to advertise it on their oversized trucks.  (Note: I would like to make a distinction between “Floridians” and “Southern People.”  Floridians are just happy people who enjoy the weather and beaches and drive sedans.  Southern People (typically born in/ transplanted from Georgia, Alabama, or Mississippi) are a whole different kind of person and typically drive trucks that have no muffler)  For instance, some of the bumper stickers that I’ve seen in the past week include: 1.) “I heart G.R.I.T.S.” Upon asking the patron what his sticker meant, this good ole Southern boy answered “Girls Raised In The South” (cute); 2.) “The South Will Rise Again” (not unexpected); and 3.)  (my favorite) “On the 8th Day, God Created the South”  (note: this must be in those textbooks their using in the Texas public school system)

3.       The pool, the weather, driving with my windows down, seafood festivals every weekend, and my new Homosassa Anytime Fitness shirt #thingsthatmakemesmilebutdontdeserveanentirenumber

4.       Today, while discussing Disney movies at work (obviously), AM (a PTA…whom you’ll remember from the Flugtag post) and I began to discuss the Newsies (Note: she had never heard of it…which was hard for me to believe until I polled everyone in the clinic and no one else had heard of it either…add this to the many issues I have with the South).  During our discussion, we got into how old the movie was…do you realize that movie came out in 1992?!? It’s almost 20 years old!  The conversation quickly changed to how much things have changed since the 90’s and we came up with a list of things that wouldn’t be an issue in today’s world…confused?  Let me give you an example: Programming the VCR #90’sproblems; I don’t have any change for the payphone #90’sproblems; I forgot to feed my DigiPet and it died #90’sproblems.  Got it?  Good!  (and if you don’t, google VR troopers or Salute Your Shorts…you’ll get there eventually)

Alright everyone, that’s it for today!  In 9 days, I will be making the 8 hour drive down to Key West to check out the beaches down that way and along the East coast of Florida.  I will definitely try to take notes of anything I see and do!  If anyone would like to join me instead of spending time with your families on Thanksgiving (lame), let me know, fly to Tampa, and I’ll pick you up on the way (someone with the initials JCAM decided to fizzle)

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